Chain Preferences
Update Chain RPC Providers
If you're facing difficulties with submitting transactions or fetching data from RPC providers, navigate to Preferences -> General -> Chain Preferences to adjust your RPC provider settings:
Click "+" to add a new provider.
Click "x" to remove an existing provider.
Click "↺" to revert your provider settings to their original default configuration.
To change an RPC provider's URL, simply edit the text field.
Discover alternative RPC providers through ChainList by searching for the chain name, selecting a provider from the list provided, and copying & pasting their URL into Camo Wallet:
The sequence in which you arrange multiple RPC providers is significant. Camo Web Wallet employs a failover approach, defaulting to the highest-ranked provider unless it encounters failures or timeouts. After updating your provider settings, click the "Confirm" button to save changes and then refresh your browser.
Last updated