
General questions related to Camo Web Wallet

Does Camo Web Wallet collect sensitive data, or store private keys or mnemonic phrases on a centralized server?

Camo Web Wallet operates entirely on client-side processing, ensuring that all data remains within your browser and all computations are carried out locally. This architecture eliminates the need for centralized servers, safeguarding your sensitive information—such as mnemonic phrases and private keys—from collection. Consequently, the Camo Wallet team is unable to retrieve your wallet or access your assets if you lose your credentials. It is always a best practice to securely back up your mnemonic phrases and private keys.

If you haven't secured a backup of your mnemonic phrases or private keys yet, you can initiate the export process by following Export Mnemonic or Export Existing CAMO Private Account

Is it safe to clear my browser cache or delete browser data without losing my assets?

If you have backed up your mnemonic phrases or private keys (for all accounts), clearing your browser cache or deleting browser data will not result in the loss of your assets. You can establish a new Camo Web Wallet by Import Existing CAMO Wallet or by Import Existing CAMO Private Account. Then Import Private Assets or running a full synchronization of the chains and assets you've engaged with, you will regain access to your private assets.

Why don't my assets and transaction history appear after clearing browser cache or re-importing my wallet?

Due to Camo Web Wallet's exclusive reliance on client-side processing, your transaction history isn't stored on any centralized servers, significantly enhancing privacy. However, this aspect can pose challenges for users who, whether intentionally or accidentally, delete their browser data. Rest assured, your assets remain secure as long as you have backed up your mnemonic phrases or private keys.

Which browsers and environments are best suited for the Camo Web Wallet?

The Camo Wallet team is diligently working to ensure that Camo Web Wallet operates seamlessly across the majority of major browsers. However, Google Chrome or Chromium-based browsers are preferred for their superior support of Web3 ecosystems. We strongly advise using a desktop or laptop to access Camo Web Wallet, as it has not been optimized for mobile browsers. While Camo Web Wallet may function in mobile browsers such as Mises Browser, users may experience significantly slower synchronization and Zero Knowledge Proof generation. Therefore, for optimal performance, we recommend using Camo Web Wallet on a laptop or desktop computer.

What are the hardware requirements for running the Camo Web Wallet efficiently?

Drawing from our internal testing and input from early adopters, the minimum hardware specifications for Camo Web Wallet are: a 4-core CPU and 8GB of RAM. For a significantly smoother experience, a setup with an 8-core CPU and 16GB of RAM is recommended.

What does the 'Not Supported' message mean, and how can I resolve it?

This page signifies that you are a citizen of or are currently accessing Camo Wallet from a country/region not supported by Camo Wallet. For further details, please refer to the Camo Wallet Compliance. Due to regulatory requirements, Camo Wallet must restrict access for certain users. If you have previously created a Camo Wallet account and made deposits, you are still able to withdraw your assets, although no additional deposits will be permitted.

What steps should I take upon seeing the 'Failed to execute transaction on IDBDatabase' error?

This error suggests that Camo Wallet encountered an issue writing to the browser's IndexedDB. Often, this problem is temporary. Refreshing your browser may resolve the issue.

If refreshing does not rectify the situation, consider switching to a different browser or examining your current browser's settings for potential solutions.

What should I do if I encounter the 'Failed to initialize Camo Wallet' error message?

This error may arise from various issues, such as an inability to retrieve the Mystiko static configuration from a remote server or difficulties accessing the browser's IndexedDB. Often, these problems are temporary, and refreshing your browser might resolve the issue.

Should refreshing fail to correct the problem, you might want to try using a different browser, switching your network, or review your current browser's settings to identify any possible adjustments that could remedy the situation.

Last updated