Camo Wallet Documents
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Camo Wallet FAQ
Camo Web Wallet FAQ
Camo Wallet FAQ
Last updated
9 months ago
Account Balance
Does Camo Web Wallet collect sensitive data, or store private keys or mnemonic phrases on a centralized server?
Is it safe to clear my browser cache or delete browser data without losing my assets?
Why don't my assets and transaction history appear after clearing browser cache or re-importing my wallet?
Which browsers and environments are best suited for the Camo Web Wallet?
What are the hardware requirements for running the Camo Web Wallet efficiently?
What does the 'Not Supported' message mean, and how can I resolve it?
What steps should I take upon seeing the 'Failed to execute transaction on IDBDatabase' error?
What should I do if I encounter the 'Failed to initialize Camo Wallet' error message?
What should I do if I can't find any options in the transfer/withdrawal forms?
Why can I only transfer or withdraw a certain amount of tokens when I have a larger balance?
What can be done if my withdrawal transaction is stuck at 'Submitting Withdraw Transaction'?
What should I do if I haven't received tokens at the specified address despite a 'SUCCEEDED' transaction status?
How can I resolve a pending MetaMask transaction for a transfer/withdrawal that's been waiting for confirmation for hours?
What is a Gas Relayer, and what are the benefits and costs associated with using it?
What should I do if my deposit status remains 'QUEUED' for a prolonged time?
How do I address a 'FAILED' deposit status if the tokens were transferred to the Mystiko contract?
What steps should I take if my deposit fails due to 'execution reverted'?
How can I resolve a deposit failure caused by 'insufficient balance'?
What can be done if my deposit transaction is stuck at 'Submitting Asset Approving Transaction' or 'Submitting Deposit Transaction'?
What can I do if my MetaMask deposit transaction hasn't been confirmed after several hours?
How is the rollup fee calculated for deposits?
What steps can I take if my account balance isn't showing after a successful deposit?
How can I resolve a balance that's been confirmed but not spendable for an extended period?
Why does my account display fewer tokens than I deposited, and how can I fix this?
Can you explain what an Asset Scanner is and why it utilizes significant CPU resources?
What is a Mystiko Address, and is it possible for third-party explorers like Etherscan to trace it?
Why is synchronization necessary for Camo Wallet, and how can I expedite the process?
How can I check if the Camo Web Wallet is nearly synchronized with the latest chain height?
Why doesn't my asset balance show after clearing synced data?
Will Camo Web Wallet synchronization continue if I close the browser tab?
What should I do if synchronization crashes my browser?